I really love this idea - that writers interview each other about the whys and wherefores of writing. Sixth in the big black chair is L. A. Rikand – a truly inspired and
inspiring writer. To see all the Guest Authors, click here.
I really love this idea - that writers interview each other about the whys and wherefores of writing.
Fifth in the big black chair is Sir Thomas A. Knight – fresh from the release of his second Time Weaver Chronicles book - Legacy and still finding sparkly bits in his sweater.
Today is very special, my very good ABNA buddy Sir Thomas, has released the second book in his awesome Time Weaver Chronicles. Check it out by clicking on the book below:
To see more about the release day party, go to: Legacy Release Day event.
Read an excerpt of The Time Weaver or Legacy.
Or to find out more about the man we all revere as the legendary Sir Thomas (for reasons that become clear when you see what the guy does for a world-wide writing community) visit his website, facebook page or the incredible pitch thread he runs for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.