Thursday, 20 August 2015

The gift that keeps on ...

Can there be any better birthday pressie than for your first book to spend 4 days at #1?
How about having 2 other books @ #2? This is what Andrea Domanski had to contend with this year. And then on the day after, up popped Rogue into the #1 slot. Large glass of something sparkly, methinks.

She was kind enough to give me some answers to a bunch of interview questions - here's your chance to find out a little more about the girl the wWws know as Ace. Just follow the link.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Number 1 Bestsellers.

Ok, I know I should stop swanking, but come on - FOUR number one bestsellers for the World Wise Writers on the same day? Just phenominal. ♥♥♥  

And then, the day after her birthday, Ace's Rogue made it FIVE!!!

Sunday, 16 August 2015

wWw Bestselling double act

What an amazing pair. Between them, Mirissa and Reagan have a raft of adventures resulting from their unique super-powers.
This weekend, both books were available for FREE and more people downloaded Crossfire than any other book in the US (apart from one, but the less said about that, the better). Translation: Crossfire reached #2 Free in Kindle store on 14th/15th, and Reagan reached #7 on 15th/16th. What a pair.
They both showed up on the same page for a fleeting hour or two.
You know how I love a stat - for several hours on Friday, 35 copies of Crossfire were downloaded every minute (to a total of almost 30 thousand). On Saturday, it was Reagan's turn - 34 copies per minute, with a total just short of 22 thousand. That's more than one every two seconds. Phew!

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Reagan promo - the story behind the story

“It’s not a purely cosmetic change,” says author Jacky Gray, “more detail about crop circles has been added and one or two scenes have been intensified to bring out the tension, humour or romance.”

Reagan is FREE to download

For today and tomorrow, you can download Reagan for FREE.
Make sure you click on the red cover - the white one is broken.

Get Reagan in US/UK

Friday, 14 August 2015

Keep up with the wWw deals

Whenever you want to know about the latest releases and deals from any of our lovely World Wise Writer ladies (and friends) - checkout this page.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Reagan Competition

To win a FREE copy of Reagan (the third book in the Hengist series), all you have to do is checkout the website page and the existing book cover and decide which of the many symbols could be used on the new cover.
I'll also give a copy to anyone who can guess what colour it will be,

Over to to you - send your answer to