After a week in Warm, Wet, Wales, I've finally put the finishing touches to the second draft of Aurora (book 6!).
I'm desperately in need of beta readers as this one is going down some darker paths and I need to make sure it's staying faithful to the Hengist values people have come to expect.
If you are interested, a really good way would be to subscribe to my mailing list so I can send stuff to everyone easily.
If you are interested, please use the form below and put Beta in the bit that says "Where did you hear about Jacky."
Looking forward to hearing from you.
You are the first subscribers - thank you very much.
To show my gratitude, as soon as I get notification you have confirmed the subscription, I will send you a short story about the villain everyone loves to hate, Edlyn. This has never been published and is not available anywhere else.
Edlyn's Revenge (by Jacky Gray)
Two boys
One girl
A Life-time of Trouble