To celebrate the 250th post since this blog began back on 21/04/2012, I'm trying to think of something positive to combat the gale-driven sleety rain rattling the windows. I always leave a few of my Chrismas lights up intil Imbolc (Feb 1st), and this year the rest of the world has finally caught up with the idea that in the long, dark, dull January days, fairy lights bring good cheer. As does lighting a candle or three.
On a distant trip to Glastonbury, I saw my first infinity candle and it is a perfect meditation tool. You can buy these quite cheaply, but if you fancy making your own you'll need an ordinary (reflective) mirror and a one-way mirror which are held parallel to each other in some kind of stand. There are a number of tutorials on the net - I like
this one 'cos it came with pictures.

Even simpler is a kaleidoscope candle - just fix 2 mirror tiles along one edge so they are hinged together, mirror sides facing each other.

I used gaffer tape (aka duct tape, or, for the musos among us, roadie tape).
Open the hinge so the mirrors are approximately at right angles (90degrees). Place a candle in the centre (fairly close to the hinged edge) and have fun adjusting the angle to get a different number of reflections.