In decades past, I'd have been down at Avebury, ringing in the Solstice with a bunch of other like-minded folks, but nowadays, I have other priorities.
It would have to be the shortest day today, because time is running out.
With only a week to go, my to-do list looked like this:
Finish decorating tree/rooms, put up outside lights
Marks & Sparks shop, wrap pressies, write/deliver cards,
Buy fresh vegetables, make 2 stuffings and bread sauce.
Make/decorate 4 Christmas cakes, bake another 2 dozen mince pies (x2)
And also:
Lost in Time (Time Doctors ‘6): Proof last 3 chapters, final beta edits, publicity stuff.
I’ve only managed to complete 3 of these, so yet another week with no blog.
Ho Hum!
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