All this weekend, Greatest Hits Radio are doing a fabulous feature where people fess up the very first single record they bought with their own money – as in not a gift.
This led to a pleasant couple of hours as I walked in the bright sunshine, trying to remember back that far. I remembered being bought such novelties as the The Thunderbirds theme and Puff the Magic Dragon. When I got back, I spent another hour sorting through 45s, at least a couple of dozen were from the 60s, from the Beatles She Loves you in 63 to The Four Tops Walk Away Renee in 67 (when I was 7).
I finally figured the first single I bought was I’m Still Waiting by Diana Ross 1971.
But the record I played till I wore it out was Escape by Journey 1981.
I then asked a bunch of people and got some really great responses. I guess we all like taking trip into our musical past.
Sue's favourite was Blue by Joni Mitchell 1971.
Jas's first single was Do you Wanna Touch by Gary Glitter 1973.
Sam's first 45 was In a Broken Dream by Python Lee Jackson 1972.
Her favourite was Back in Black by AC/DC 1980
Jon's first single was Gangsters by Specials AKA 1979.
One of his favourites was OK Computer by Radiohead 1997
Tracy's first single was Girl Talk by Duran Duran 1982.
Her favourite was Rio by AC/DC 1980
Kate's 1st single was Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran 1982
Her favourite was Hunting High and Low by Aha 1985
Chris' 1st CD was Appetite for Destruction by Guns 'N' Roses 1987.
His favourite was By the Way by Red Hot Chilli Peppers 2002
Paul's first album was Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits 1985.
One of his favourites was Staring at the Sea by Cure 1986
Jo's first album was Spice by Spice Girls 1996.
Her favourite was Stripped by Christina Aguilera 2002
Buying singles gradually died out as vinyl was replaced with CDs, so few Millennials actually bought them. And nowadays, even us baby boomers are streaming and CD players are a rarity.
Sophia's first album was S Club 7 by S Club 7 1999.
The one she played to death was Busted by Busted 2002.
But nowadays, she streams Taylor Swift on a loop.
Steph's first album was Fallen by Evanescence 2003 - she was captivated by the dark drama, particularly Bring me to life.
Another favourite was The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance 2006
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