Saturday 31 October 2020

Stockholm Syndrome

Hengist Journey #12

Hard to know what to say about this one without giving away huge spoilers, but if you haven't read Chrysalis before you dive into this one, you will miss out on a huge twist on the last page.
Suffice to say that one of the characters turns out to be a proper psycopath, but there's a whole Beauty and the Beast thing going on (always my favourite fairy story even before Disney took it and made it incredible). Gonna digress here and tell you how we went to Disneyland, Paris in the year after it opened and devoured every single one of the shows. So cool that the place we usually ate was running a B & B show, with the the result that my daughter, Jo, knew all the words to "Be Our Guest" in French as well as English. Not bad for a four-year-old. And of course, we had to buy her the cute dress ...

However, Captive is way dark as poor Rory endures all manner of mental torment before she finally understands the part she has to play in the grand scheme of things. And then he inadvertantly has her tapping into the day Coventry Cathedral was bombed - that was pretty harrowing to write - I hope I've tamed it enough so it's not too harrowing to read.

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