Saturday 16 April 2022

Pre-order Chloe’s Chaos

You have until 22nd April to pre-order Chloe’s Chaos the second in the Calamity Chicks (70s Sweethearts) series at the bargain price of £2.22/$2.99.

The third book, Linda’s Lament is also up for pre-order.

If Tina’s story is the question, Chloe’s story is the answer to why so many of these endearing characters acted the way they did. I had a total blast writing it: despite having a second dose of COVID, it took a mere 26 days, the words just falling over themselves to hit the page.

I know many writers say their latest story is their favourite, but this is definitely in my all-time top three – I never expected Chloe to be such fun when I first met her as Tina’s friend.

Quite where the pseudo-autistic skater-guy, gentle-giant hairy biker and psychotic millionaire-stalker appeared from is a mystery. But when Chloe turned out to be the spitting image of Stevie Nicks, it all came together perfectly.

Tina’s Torment, the prequel to this, was the second full story I’d ever written (back in the nineties), with the working title Dubious Revenge and, trust me, I thought it was pretty awesome in my naivety. Couldn’t be further from the truth – chock-a-block full of every rookie writer’s frequent offenders – way too much passive telling, pages of elaborate description, unrealistic dialogue – every sin in the book!
After a bunch of fabulous authors had pointed out these flaws, it first saw the light of day as Tina’s Dilemma in 2014, as part of an anthology of medium-length novellas, published as Triple Jeopardy under my pseudonym Rowanna Green.
Having written/published 30 stories in between, I’ve added in a couple of sub plots and reinstated all the 70’s music a strict editor told me to remove. Now it’s a much more immersive experience, and I’m thrilled to spend more time in this time period, getting to know these lads and lasses even better.

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